Mary Lu Greenwood - Retiree Tributes - McDonogh School-bet356

Mary Lu Greenwood

In the summer of 1996, Mary Lu Greenwood spent two weeks in the Wyoming mountains crossing rivers, climbing rocks, and “bouldering” with a 45-pound backpack. Reflecting on this adventure, she wrote, “I was reminded of the importance of being a student in order to teach.” This trip says a lot about Mary Lu. She is curious, open, self-reliant, and eager to take on new challenges. She is a student of the world and, as a teacher, she brought the world to her students.

Mary Lu came to McDonogh in 1989 to teach first grade. She was an exceptional educator and advocate for her students, deeply respecting each one.  Her students came to love her, their parents appreciated her, and her colleagues admired her.

In 1997, Mary Lu ventured out of the familiar territory of the classroom to become the Associate Head of Lower School. In this role, she supported students, parents, faculty, and the Head of Lower School. She used her plentiful “people skills” to help others problem-solve their way through any number of issues.

Anyone who came to Mary Lu with a problem, question, or complaint could count on a sympathetic ear and a wise, compassionate response.

Six years ago, adventure came calling again and Mary Lu eagerly accepted our invitation to become the school archivist. Mary Lu researches, documents, and catalogs McDonogh’s history, focusing on the use of the archives in the everyday teaching life of the school.

As an archivist, administrator, and teacher, Mary Lu  has displayed one of her greatest talents: her ability to build relationships. With wide-ranging and diverse connections to the school, she will always be a cherished member of the McDonogh Family. Please join me in thanking Mary Lu for 27 years of devoted service and in wishing her all the best as she begins her newest adventure: retirement!