Mona Barr - Retiree Tributes - McDonogh School-bet356

Mona Barr

In the fall of 1979, McDonogh’s administration was faced with a problem. A math teacher did not return after Thanksgiving Break. The job was quickly divided into two part-time positions, and Mina Wender suggested Mona Barr as a candidate—the rest is history.

Over the years, Mrs. Barr has taught algebra and geometry. Her Honors Geometry class is legendary for the standards she sets for both her students and herself.  Students move from knowing nothing about what a “proof” is, to developing complicated arguments to prove important and varied theorems about geometry.  What students often don’t realize is that they are learning a template for problem solving that helps them in years to come.

Algebra II students have learned that Mrs. Barr is great at explaining complex concepts and techniques. They’ve discovered if they work and still do not grasp the concept, she will take the necessary time to help them understand.

Throughout her career at McDonogh, Mrs. Barr has established many wonderful, life-long relationships with students, a number of whom make a point to meet her for coffee or lunch when they are in town. Current and former students know that if they have a problem, Mrs. Barr is always there to quietly offer support.

Soon, Mrs. Barr’s part-time life will become her full-time life. Bridge, Mah Jongg, golf, and being with friends are all on the agenda. However, most important is her family:  husband, Bruce, sons Ryan and Michael, daughter-in-law, Marla, and, of course, grandchildren.  Mona, thank you for challenging and supporting McDonogh students for almost 35 years.