Andy Gill - Retiree Tributes - McDonogh School-bet356

Andy Gill

In 1985, this tall, bespectacled young man arrived at McDonogh to teach math, coach cross-country, and serve as a dorm parent - the so-called “triple threat” that is crucial to successful boarding schools.  While a school always hopes for great things from a new hire, little did we know then that Mr. Andy Gill would emerge as a master teacher, legendary coach, and highly respected leader.

A kind and gifted educator, Andy is loved and respected by his students. They appreciate his deep knowledge of mathematics, his teaching style, his incredible patience, and his wonderfully dry sense of humor.  He is always on the lookout for new and interesting ways to engage his students, incorporating projects like building a Roman arch in geometry class or following the stock market in College Algebra.

As a coach, his steady hand has been crucial to the success of our distance runners.  Andy and Mr. Jeff Sanborn have worked together as the track and cross-country coaches for many years. Jeff said recently, “Over these last three decades, few have been as fortunate as I to be joined nearly every afternoon by Andy Gill.  At times, when my exuberance might steer us astray, Andy would imperceptibly right the course and bring greater perspective to the team, the season, even to our intertwined careers.”

A man of integrity and compassion, Andy has dedicated himself to becoming the best that he can be, and he leaves behind a legacy of excellence. Like the needle of the compass that reliably points due north, Andy has led a life that always points to what is right and good.  These are the qualities that he brings out in others as well.  

How fortunate we have been to learn from him over these past 32 years. Andy, we wish you the very best in your well-deserved retirement.