超越AP -学术-麦克唐纳学校-bet356


从2022-2023学年开始, 麦克唐纳超越了AP课程, introducing a dynamic range of innovative courses for all 上学校 students. This move—already embraced by many influential independent schools in the U.S.-为我们的程序提供了力量和额外的严谨性, 激发了我们尊敬的教师更多的创造力, 和, 最重要的是, allows our students to thrive 和 distinguish themselves in meaningful ways.

我们相信 our students are far better served by the expertise of McDonogh's greatest asset: our faculty. Moving beyond the AP affords us the opportunity to deliver a more timely, 具有挑战性的, 为每个学生提供优质教育. When coupled with our LifeReady academic framework 和 signature resources like 根农场, Fader创新中心, 我们800多英亩的校园, 和伟大的麦克唐纳, 教育的可能性是无限的.

为这一变革做好准备, McDonogh's leadership 和 faculty engaged in a comprehensive review of graduation requirements, 精心评估和修改课程设置, 和 crafted exceptional programming to augment the world-class education that has always defined McDonogh. 而麦克唐纳的学生仍然准备参加AP考试, 没有AP的约束, they are benefitting from an impressive array of courses that are aligned with discerning success criteria—courses that cannot be found in any other school.

进一步了解我们在AP课程之外的举措, we invite you to explore the following videos 和 FAQs published ahead of the 2022-2023 school year. 





Why has McDonogh redesigned its academic program (和 moving beyond AP)?

2014年《bet356体育投注》出版时, McDonogh promised learning inspired by teacher expertise 和创造力, 真正的问题和难题, 和 deep thinking 和 learning—all of which align to the kinds of world our graduates will live in. Our redesign is guided by rigorous criteria to achieve this vision for learning, 和 it makes use of our greatest asset: our immensely talented faculty. Our teachers are creative experts who bring knowledge of their disciplines together with years of teaching experience to live out our mission: to create life-altering moments for each 和 every child. We will achieve this when we are in control of our own independent curriculum.”



“绝对. 作为我们的招生小组, 普林斯顿大学的院长们, 威克森林, 和马里兰大学帕克分校, 在去年冬天的一个网络研讨会上提到, universities 和 colleges assess student applications based on what the school deems are its most rigorous courses 和 criteria. Lucky for us, McDonogh is very well known 和 respected by colleges 和 universities in the U.S. 和国外. We will communicate the rigors of our program through our 学校简介, 通过与大学院长的直接对话, 通过我们的建议, 和, 如果需要, 通过分享我们的熟练程度量表和教学大纲. 我们相信, 事实上, that students will be more competitive 和 distinctive since they will be more distinctive with courses that showcase their interests, 人才, 和创造力. 更重要的是, they will not get lost by being another of the more than 70% of high school students across the nation who take AP.”


Don’t colleges 和 universities require that students take AP courses to be admitted? 

“No. 这是一个常见的误解. If—只有当—a school participates in the AP program will colleges look to see if a student is enrolled in these courses. Schools that do not participate in the AP program are assessed on the program they do have—which, 为麦当劳的学生准备的, 会是相等的(在某些情况下, 更多)严格.” 



“New courses are still grounded in our liberal arts curriculum (English, 数学, 科学, 历史, 世界通用语言, 艺术),强调学习的深度. 课程, 无论是入门还是我们最严谨的, are designed to help students build conceptual knowledge as well as highly-skilled disciplinary 和 procedural underst和ing. Our most advanced courses require complex content 和 skill knowledge, 但也需要这门学科中典型的工作. 学生可以准备会议论文或提供海报会议, 哪些是典型的人文科学. Other work may connect with initiatives through 伟大的麦克唐纳 or with 根农场 or with the many other unique advantages provided by our 800 acres. 我们的课程设计标准, 再加上我们的学科熟练度量表, 使得我们目前的AP产品相当普通.”

——Kevin Costa,创新总监 & 学习


“是的. 学生仍然会得到一个 .进阶课程提升67级.”





“这取决于课程. We are confident that all courses will provide the foundational knowledge to do well on AP exams. 如果学生愿意的话, 然而, some courses may require students to do some additional preparation beyond class time, 就像过去一样."

- Merritt Livermore,高中校长

How is the school ensuring rigor 和 quality control of new courses? 

“New course design is guided by a set of clear criteria for courses 和 disciplinary proficiency scales (st和ards). All courses 和 syllabi then undergo a thorough quality review by the 上学校’s Academic Program Advisory, 每年都有一组老师阅读和审核所有的新课程. 为此目的, we will continually ensure that we are offering the most rigorous, 有关, 并为每个学生提供不同的课程. ”

- Merritt Livermore,高中校长


“Our top courses are given a moniker that makes them easily identifiable by admissions officers 和 readers of our course guides, 学校简介, 和记录."

- Merritt Livermore,高中校长

How will colleges 和 universities interpret a transcript that has AP courses completed prior to 2022?

适用于2022 - 23学年及以后的课程, colleges will recognize our most 具有挑战性的 courses based on our own designations. 我们将在学校简介中描述我们的优势项目, a document that is used by admissions representatives to underst和 our academic program. 在那份文件中, 和 in direct conversations with offices of admission 和 in our school recommendations, 学院辅导员将与我们沟通项目设计.”



“No. 事实上,我们在很大程度上处于“中间”位置.例如:, Lawrenceville School was one of the institutions involved in the development of the AP program in the 1950s, 而且在很久以前就超越了AP项目. Several peer schools in Washington, DC are also moving beyond the program. 所有这些学校都是成立的, 著名的, 和 well-respected institutions—underst和 that our independence will distinguish our students far more than a third-party ‘one-size-fits-all’ curriculum. McDonogh School is proud to be leading this trend in our region.”
