从档案中学到的教训-新闻 & 照片-麦克唐纳学校-bet356

新闻 & 照片

Lessons Learned in the Wilson|Young 存档s

Third graders explore the artifacts in the Wilson|Young 存档s and 特殊的集合. (更多照片在下面.)


If you envision archival research as sifting through dusty boxes of documents hidden away on attic shelves, then a visit to McDonogh's Wilson|Young 存档s and 特殊的集合 is sure to broaden your perspective. Opened in fall 2023 on the second floor of Lyle Building, the airy and inviting space has already welcomed a variety of visitors from four-year-olds who are learning how the campus, 仪式, 随着时间的推移,制服也发生了变化, 献给经历过这些变化的校友. 

Visitors to the 存档s are greeted by display cases and shelves filled with McDonogh School artifacts. One side of the public space features the glass-walled Kiplinger classroom, and the other is the Stackhouse Reading Room. Here, visitors can view 年鉴, bound copies of 本周, 及其他与麦当劳有关的刊物. Long tables provide plenty of space for students and others to carefully pour over 照片 and documents. Behind the scenes are shelves filled with 150 years of McDonogh history that continues to be sorted, 加工过的, 和编目.

In addition to the never-ending job of organizing boxes of documents, 照片, 出版物, 和纪念品, Archivist Christine Ameduri supports faculty in all three divisions by gathering relevant materials for classes eager to learn the history of McDonogh in the context of their studies.

“People may think the 存档s are only relevant to English and history classes. But we’ve also had students using the resources for a French class and even robotics,” Ameduri says noting that research requests also come from alumni and the general public doing genealogy research.

  • 新空间开业后不久, Ane Lintvedt’s senior Research and Methodology class visited the 存档s multiple times to learn about the campus, 建筑, 和景观. 然后, 以纪念学院建校150周年, they shared their knowledge through PowerPoint presentations tailored for each division.
  • Among the other early visitors were the third graders eager to see various primary source materials—照片, 一个星期, and 年鉴 to learn about McDonogh Station, the train stop that connected early students to their homes. The visit served as inspiration for the 96-square-foot train garden built in the lobby of Elderkin Hall which captured the attention of the entire 较低的学校 and became a division-wide project.
  • 超过两个月, Keith Ridgeway的法国5A级课程, 法国的标志, visited the 存档s multiple times and used primary source material to research the people who played a defining role in the School's history. 小组合作, 然后他们写了一本简短的传记, which they then presented to the class in French.
  • 自从档案馆开放以来, Special Projects Coordinator Jon Aaron '72 has worked with the youngest and oldest students and everyone in between. 当达里尔·伯奇上十一年级的时候.S. History class was studying the Vietnam Era, they met with Aaron in the Stackhouse Reading Room where they learned about McDonogh’s military tradition while viewing archival photos, 摊开在桌子上, of competitive drill and the infantry/cavalry carrying colors. 然后他们将这些图像与1970年的图像进行比较 遗产 yearbook photo that illustrated the dissolution of the military. 充分利用空间, they moved to the Kiplinger classroom for a slide presentation on how political cartoons, 普利策获奖摄影作品, and art (memorial designs and sculptures) helped the nation confront the complexity of the Vietnam War. 
  • The enthusiastic Aaron also met with prekindergartners during their Social Studies Unit of Inquiry called: Past, 现在, and Future; Where We Are in Space and Time, and shared slides that illustrated the evolution of McDonogh including the campus, 传统, 还有制服. 学生 were thrilled to be able to try on the jackets and caps once worn by cadets who were their size.
  • 中学机器人俱乐部, 在艾莎·布莱恩特的指导下, also enjoyed an introduction to the new space where they learned what goes into the development of the archives, 以及如何管理工件. They discussed ideas and possible projects including creating innovative ways for museums to bring their exhibits to life and reach as many people as possible.
  • Most recently Jennifer Smith's fifth grade social studies classes studying World War II visited the archives to research: What was life like on McDonogh's campus during World War II? 当学生探索字母的时候, 年鉴, 学校报纸, 甚至还有二战配给手册, 他们还学会了如何处理文件, and the importance of being caretakers of McDonogh's history. The final piece of the project will be to record a video about what they learned for inclusion in a small "video museum/library."

Ameduri is thrilled with the scope of learning taking place in the 威尔逊|杨档案 and 特殊的集合 and points out other valuable lessons being absorbed by the students. “Working with and handling primary source materials is a skill set that they will use in college. We use the same tools and resources used by colleges and universities, 所以他们会做好充分的准备,她说。.
