Lele Horich - Middle School Learning Specialist - bet356 - McDonogh School-bet356

Lele Horich, Middle School Learning Specialist

Photographer: Julian Inscore ’25

What inspired you to work at a school?

孩子们. I love working with kids. I always have!  

What do you find most rewarding about working with students/young people?

I love watching students grapple with a problem and then have that “aha” moment. I also like it when students stop me in the hall to tell me about a successful test, dance competition, or sports game.  

Are there any memorable or impactful moments in your job or time with McDonogh that stand out to you?

My favorite moments are reconnecting with upper schoolers who used to work with me. I love hearing about their trials and tribulations in Upper School. 

What do you hope students will learn from engaging with you?

That I am here to help, and I’m in their corner. 

Do you have a favorite place on campus? What makes it your favorite?

I love the Chesapeake Room in the Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Middle School building. I love that it overlooks most of the athletics fields and tennis courts. From there, you can also see Roots Farm. Watching the trees change each season is beautiful! 

What are some of your favorite books, movies, or quotes that inspire you?

I love the movie, 鲁迪. I like that it is a story of an underdog who finds success in something he loves. I also like the book, Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night. I find it interesting to look at situations from someone else’s perspective.

How do you recharge and find inspiration when you’re not at school?

I enjoy spending time with friends who also teach. I think it reminds me of how lucky I am.

Outside of school, what are some of your interests or hobbies that you’re passionate about?

Outside of school, I spend a lot of time with my family. I have a large extended family who are all local. I also have two young kids who are very active.