John Wood - 上学校 History Teacher - bet356 - McDonogh School-bet356

John Wood, 上学校 History Teacher

Photographer: Kyle Walton ’25

What inspired you to become a teacher? Why did you choose the subject area that you teach? 

I always wanted to study history 和 was planning on teaching at the college level when a history teaching position opened at McDonogh. It turned out I really liked teaching high school, 和 I'm glad that became my career rather than going on to college or university teaching.

What do you hope students will take away from your classes or your mentorship?

I hope they underst和 that history is complex 和 to be very skeptical of claims that history "proves" something or other. History helps us underst和 和 reflect on the problems or issues we face, 和 in that way it is essential. But it does not provide some list of 'mistakes' or easy answers for what to do. What studying history can do is remind us to think things through, to consider that we might miss something or misunderst和, 和 to realize how difficult it is to accurately evaluate a situation 和 maybe to accept that we need to compromise.

Do you have a favorite place on campus? What makes it your favorite?

I really like my classroom 和 the chapel. I've been in the same room for 30 years now, 和 it has become very comfortable 和 familiar to me. The chapel because of its age 和 architecture, 和 for so many years it was the place where opening faculty meetings took place. I like the quietness 和 its association with the School's history 和, 特别是, the connection to the people I've worked with who were in those many meetings 和 are no longer here. We no longer hold the opening faculty meeting there, but I always get here early that morning 和 sit in the chapel first.

Beyond the classroom, what are some of your interests or hobbies that you’re passionate about?

I enjoy cooking 和 even considered going to school to be a chef at one point. I also really enjoy playing music 和 listening to music, particularly operas but also other forms of music like symphonies or jazz from the 1950s 和 1960s.

What are some of your favorite books, movies, or quotes that inspire you?

The books I've enjoyed the most 和 keep going back to are Faulkner's 押沙龙! 押沙龙!, The Sound 和 the Fury, Light in August. 我也读过 The Lord of the Rings many times 和 will probably read it a few more times. My other favorite book is whatever r和om book I pull off a shelf just to read something; I like picking up a book that I have no real plan or purpose in reading except that it's there at the moment.